Please note we do not currently offer wheelchair accessible vehicles on the Motability scheme.

The Motability Scheme enables anyone in receipt of a higher rate mobility allowance (such as the Enhanced Rate of the Mobility Component of Personal Independence Payment or the Higher Rate Mobility Component of Disability Living Allowance) to use their mobility allowance to lease a car, scooter, powered wheelchair or Wheelchair Accessible Vehicle.
You may be eligible to join the Scheme if you have at least 12 months remaining on your higher rate mobility allowance.
If you are eligible for the Scheme, all you need to do is contact us and arrange an appointment with a Motability Scheme specialist. If you are not sure if you are eligible get in touch and we will discuss this with you.
Our dealerships in York and Harrogate have trained Motability specialists that will guide you through the process of choosing and applying for a mobility scooter or powered wheelchair on the scheme.
Basically, we install vehicle adaptations such as hand controls, left foot accelerators, boot hoists and many more adaptations into brand new Motability vehicles.
You will lease the vehicle through Motability, a car dealership will supply the vehicle and we can install any adaptations that may be required prior to you taking delivery of the vehicle.
We work with many Motability car dealerships (all makes & models) in York, Harrogate, Leeds and throughout Yorkshire to ensure your needs are met.
We can help provide impartial advice on any specific vehicle requirements you may have that are related to the adaptations that you need to have installed, it does not matter to us what car you choose, only that the adaptations work for you and meet your needs.